Understanding the branding jargon
The term ‘brand’ is often misunderstood. Here is a list of branding terms that will help you make sense of what really is what
Is all about who you are and how you deliver.
Brand definition
Is a true statement about what your brand stands for. It describes what you offer, why you offer it and why what you offer is different… and better!
Brand personality
Is a set of human characteristics associated with your brand.
Brand identity
Is the face of your brand. It includes your name, logo, tagline/slogan, advertising, marketing materials, signage and all other ways you express your brand.
Brand image
Is the set of beliefs about your brand and what it stands for – basically, how your clients perceive your company.
Is the process of building a positive collection of perceptions in your client’s mind.
Brand position
Is how your brand fits in within your market and competition.
Brand management
Is the control of your branding, internally and through any ways of communication.
Brand equity
Is the value of your brand. It is based on its reputation, recognition as well as the commitment and demand it generates.