Your website audience: The 3 types of buyers
Websites visitors (potential customers) will have different goals and expectations when they visit a website. It is, therefore, essential to determine which of those behaviours is the most important for your site profitability and focus on it. Below are the three types of behaviours you need to be aware of.
Trackers know what they want precisely. They use the web to track down specific information and will likely use the search facility to find it.
Once they have found what they are looking for, they may need some persuasion or justification before purchasing or enquiring.
Hunters know what type of product they are looking for (e.g. sofa, camera) but haven’t decided yet on which specific one. It is likely that they are looking for particular features but are open to persuasion about others.
Hunters need help, support and guidance to reach a decision. They might also need to justify the purchase to themselves before buying.
Explorers don’t have a particular idea of the type of product they want. They have a shopping objective (e.g., buying a present) or just a vague idea (e.g., purchase something that looks nice in a room). Explorers are looking for ideas and inspiration. They will be interested in best-sellers lists, promotions, etc.
When deciding on the structure and content of your website, those behaviours must be considered.